Tagging DNA match

New here and wanting to try out the DNA Tools.

I must have done something wrong. I’ve watched the video Introduction to Rootsfinder DNA Tools and can’t seem to do what it seems it does.

When I click either the kit # and/or name of one of my matches, nothing happens. There is nothing in the left side box for me to edit the matched kit and indicate where they are in my tree. Neither of my parents, uncles, aunts, all whom I’ve tested.

What have I missed in this process?

I introduced a bug last night (very odd - things were working fine on my computer but no one else’s), which I just fixed. It should be working now; can you try again? You’ll have to open RootsFinder in a new tab to get the latest code. I’m sorry for the trouble.

OK, was able to attach my dad now. whoo hoo. TY