Source People - Can get confused and add unintentional relationships

I added a source for the birth of Elijah Boardman (1792-1873) and from it, I pulled his marriage date, his wife’s name, her birth date, and the name of her father. When I look at the source from Elijah’s record, it looks fine. (No screen shot due to limitations in bug reporting.)

However, when I look at the same source from his wife’s record, her father has been automatically added as Elijah’s father as well (the screenshot below is not the full person tab - the full tab shows Elijah at the top). If I go ahead and save this, RootsCity actually makes Martin Foote the father of both Mary Foote and Elijah Boardman.

Thank you for reporting this, @DataAnalyst! It’s on our radar now.

Just to make sure I understand:

Initially the source had Elijah, Mary as Elijah’s spouse, and Martin as Mary’s father.

Then from Mary’s page when you edited the source, Martin was automatically added as Elijah’s father as well?

By the way thank you for the very informative and helpful bug report. Clear explanations and pictures like this help a great deal.

Yes, Dallan, you understand correctly.

Got it on the roadmap: Trello