Trying to upload a new tree with 621 source images (total about 1.2gb)and Rootsfinder Gedcom Importer uploads the first 5 and then returns and error uploads a few more and returns another error. This repeats until the end of the upload process with numerous file failures. I’ve tried the upload twice and it fails on different files. Worked ok in December with a much larger Tree and more image files.
I’ve checked a few of the png files and they all open successfully on my iMac.
Wondered whether it was just a busy server.
Will try a new gedcom export and export the files as jpg rather than png and see if that makes any difference.
Tried with jpg files instead of png but same problem occurs. I ve cancelled the upload after 280 uploaded and 64 failed. I use MacFamilyTree to export the gedcom I don’t know whether that is causing the problem. But this has worked fine before. I recently changed to storing all my documents folder and desktop files on icloud so that could be a problem.
So I stopped the folder containing the gedcom and files from Syncing to iCloud and tried again but still fails.
I wonder whether MacFamilyTree has changed some export settings in a recent update.
MacFamilyTree - Synium support - state there were no changes to gedcom output in their latest version release. So the problem seems to be with the Rootsfinder upload tool or Rootsfinder server. I’ve tried 3 other uploads and the same happens with each one it uploads the first 10-20 images and then generates an error and resumes for a few more and this repeats until the gedcom is uploaded.
The gedcom uploads fine but is missing about 20% of the files.