Random duplicate Marriage records in GEDCOM export

I’ve been working through a GEDCOM export from Rootsfinder, import to another program and found a number of what appear to be random duplicates of marriage records (possibly also divorce).

Example see this person:

GEDCOM export for this tree has the following duplication:

0 @2560469143672618@ FAM
1 HUSB @2824866209724306@
1 WIFE @7267672562772243@
1 CHIL @2478016381334613@
1 CHIL @8731428548925378@
1 CHIL @9002613659711014@
2 DATE 15 JAN 1966
2 DATE 15 JAN 1966

Is this dirty data that I can’t see in RootsFinder or something wrong with the export process. This export was completed with media.

I’ve confirmed the problem. I will look into it.

Thank you. I didn’t count them but I think 10-15 instances in the tree that I mentioned above.

This is fixed now. Thank you for reporting it! The bug has been there for a long time.

Thanks Dallan. It didn’t show up when I was using another product to import the GEDCOM but the one I tried this week made it stand out clearly. Glad it was easily fixed.

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