Photos or media tab for individuals

Hi there!

When uploading a picture, I noticed that all the pictures go to a centralized media location and not to the individual’s profile. I was just wondering if I was doing right. If I am, can I suggest that each individual has their own media page.

Thank you so much Roots Finder Team!

Jennifer Lieder

I actually figured out what I was doing and where the photos go. I still need to figure it out.



Thanks for the feedback, Jennifer! Currently, when you add a photo you can tag it to people by typing their name under the photo and then selecting them from the list. If you’ve already uploaded the photo, you can tag other people by clicking the pencil icon to edit. Here’s a little article about it: When people are tagged, the photos they’re tagged in will appear on their page in the upper right of the main section called “Media.”

I’ll be sure to make this part of our new & improved “Welcome to RootsFinder” tutorials we’re working on right now. Thanks so much for letting us know it wasn’t making sense. Please let me know if there are other topics you’d recommend including in the welcome tutorials.

Thank you!


I’ve modified the add media dialog and moved the “attach to person” field up higher in the dialog to it’s easier to spot.

I like it! Thanks Dallan!