Phasing Your Ancestry Kits at RootsFinder

Some folks aren’t at the RootsFinder FB page so I am copying and posting here as well.

I just finished a second blog about using RootsFinder to do phasing with your Ancestry kits. Many of you will know that Ancestry recently added automated phasing (still in beta) but I am using RootsFinder and the same feature as my last blog, one-segment “shared matches”, to create filters that will create groups of your largest one segment matches. The good thing about this process is that with RootsFinder these filters can be saved and recalled. You can do all of the work in a few hours or spread it out over a few evenings. This blog is just the beginning of where you can go with just a little bit of “house keeping”. Here is a quick overview of my results. I have a filter with 40 names that represent about 1500 paternal kits. And also a filter with 28 names that represent about 1200 maternal matches. Then in less than an hour the next day I added 15 names to my paternal filter which added 500 more names for a total of 3200 kits.

Please check it out and let me know what you think.
