Match to tree works most of the time

I was successful in matching the majority of DNA matches to my tree, but two distant relatives do not reflect the match. In other words, the name is configured and saved but the color icon in views does not appear. They are both conincidently 8th cousins once removed to me but not related to each other AFAIK.

I have an idea about what’s causing the problem, but I’d like your help to make sure. Could you attach one of the kits to a seventh cousin once removed instead of an eighth cousin and tell me if that works? If it does, I will know how to fix the problem.

I gave that I try but it did not work. Looking at the tree, I saw there was some endogamy in the branch I was testing but it turns out that it is not until the next generation past the MRCA and I confirmed that the branch for the other case also did not include endogamy. Ruling that outas a cause, I attached one of the kits to several 6th and 7th great grands a seriatim and noted a success for each 6ggp and a failure for each 7ggp. For giggles and grins, I tested a couple of 8ggps resulting in failures as expected.

For completeness, I also tested descent lines with a 6th great aunt being successful and a 7th great aunt failing.

I’ll look into this tomorrow. I’ll be in touch.

I increased the number of generations that are searched backward for matches. Could you try again? I’m hoping the 8ggp’s will work now.

If you still have a tab open for RootsFinder, you’ll need to refresh the tab to get the most up-to-date version.

Works like a charm! Thanx!

I’m Happy to hear that it worked!