Maguire chart status

Wondering what the current status of Maguire charts is?

I’d love to be able to easily pick an ancestor in a tree and automatically get all the DNA descenants with their match details and whether or not they fit the probablilities.

I’ve mever managed to get the current chart to run


Could you send me the URL of the McGuire chart that’s not working and give me permission to access your tree?

I’m not having a problem showing a McGuire chart on my tree, but I’d like to look into why it’s not working on your tree.

dallan at

Dallan I think my main(current) problem is that I simply don’t understand how to work them on RootsFinder!
When I tried previously, it appeared to run but never produced anything.
As it did when I tried again recently, hence my initial message
Now however, I can’t even get it to do anything.
The only instructions I can find are in your FB post of a year ago.
Are there any simple instructions anywhere so I can try again?

I made a little video showing how to use McGuire charts and created a help page for it:

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
