GEDmatch match list import instructions

The instructions on the Match import instructions need amending to also show instructions for the “new” GEDMatch (ie the app as opposed to classic) as well.

I’ve tried to update a match list using Tier 1 Full version from the new version
and then via the copy/paste save as text > csv format import file options.
Neither worked.
But “Tier 1 Classic” one to many version does when signed into “new” so this needs adding to the instructions.

Going back to the old aka Classic version of GEDmatch, the instructions still apply, ie use the One to many beta report


I just tried logging into the “new” GEDmatch, clicked on my kit name under “Your DNA Resources”, clicked “Submit”, and copied-and-pasted the results into RootsFinder and it worked ok. I’m using the free version of GEDmatch

Can you please send me more information as to what went wrong? When you try pasting the matches into RootsFinder and you get an error, would you right-click on the page, select “Inspect” from the pop-up menu, then select the “Console” tab, and send me the text that appears under the console tab? You can email it to dallan at Thanks.

I tend to use Tier1 one to many as you can fine-tune the numbers more.
The Free version has wider presets
When I tried the copy/paste from New GEDmatch Tier 1 One to many match list Full the screen after the paste that shows the segments size / max etc didn’t show any numbers.

Using Tier 1 one to many classic works fine
(but I see now that that the instructions don’t actually mention Tier 1 at all anyway)

If you’d like me to look into it, when you get the error, please right-click on the page, select “Inspect” from the pop-up menu, then select the “Console” tab, and send me the text that appears under the console tab. You can email it to dallan at

I’m back having trouble with GEDMatch again - I’d given up and went and did other things…
<<logging into the “new” GEDmatch, clicked on my kit name under “Your DNA Resources”, clicked “Submit”, and copied-and-pasted the results into RootsFinder and it worked ok. I’m using the free version of GEDmatch>>

That method wont allow you to collect the data for a kit not in your DNA resources.

For those you have to start from whichever One to many report actually works.
I used to be able to use the import, under my Tier 1 sub from the new GEDmatch, select the one to many tier 1 classic version but that isn’t working for me any more
I’ve sent you an email with the requested console logs

Hi Lorna,

On December 3rd I made a fix to importing one to many files from DNAGedcom and created a video showing how I did it: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Could you watch the video and try again? And before trying again, close your RootsFinder tab and open a new one. Please let me know if it still doesn’t work.


Thanks Dallan.
Tier 1 One to Many copy/paste works just fine for me now.
Thinking back on timing here, I can’t swear how long I’d had the emaill I sent you sitting in draft.
Although I do usually refresh the browser page when I hit problems, I may not have fully closed RF down but regardless , it’s now working