Mother’s gedkit T914728 retained its associations to HER tree Morrel Klinglesmith) instead of mine despite the fact I added it to the DNA tool afresh in the context of my own tree (Boydston Morrel). see picture below.
I was assuming that if you mapped a kit to a different tree you would have to reassign linkages because otherwise the color scheme could be wrong. The attached shows wrong color scheme for maternal matches because they were inherited from my mom’s tree. For my tree they should all have the maternal color scheme! So the relational model has a problem or the link is not being referred to the right table.
So the answer I gave John Morrel
was wrong . I just added a kit T914728 my mom to my own tree (Boydston Morrel) where all the matches should be maternal color scheme by default if their tree assignments are retained, but to my surprise it inherited its mapping to her tree Klinglesmith Morrel.
I wouldn’t mind keeping associations to individual ancestors by choice but there is an obvious problem with this people may have different associations to other trees.
I would love having the option to ’
1.globally associate all entries in the Mom’s tree with her as a person “in the line of” which would light up all her matches on the right side of the tree, leaving me to work on my paternal matches
2. inherit tree assignments from another tree where individual ancestor’s exist in both trees which would save huge amounts of work remapping my maternal matchees
Your thoughts?
Here is a paternal side maternal match in the context of the fan where the right part of the fan is lit but the profile indicator is still wrong
and here it is wrong in the circle cluster context and notice that their relationships within the left cluster have the wrong color but their relationship to the other cluster are right even though i did not remap the ones in the rightmost red cluster
Note I remapped the other matches from my profile so they did acquire the right color so the problem is limited to matches bringing their old colors UNTIL they have been remapped from inside another profile. I could not reset them from inside my mom’s profile SOOOO that suggests that there is a global fix possible like “Remap to new tree”
When you create a new DNA profile and attach it to someone in your tree, that person becomes the “root” for that DNA profile. The mini-fans displayed for matching kits have the profile root as the root of the fan. And when you attach a matching kit to someone in your tree, the color of that kit in the various views is based upon its relationship to the profile root.
I think what you’re asking for is the ability to change person who is the root for the mini-fans and the colors, so even though you’re looking at the DNA profile for your mother, you’re able to set yourself as the root of the mini-fans and the matching kit colors.
Is that what you’re looking for?
The other thing that you mention: sharing DNA information across trees, is on the roadmap, but it’s significantly more complicated and requires some additional thought.
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