The desktop software I use (RootsMagic) formats sources with URLs by putting the URL inside brackets followed by a comma - e.g., [Custom Application Development Software for Business - Salesforce.com],
When RootsFinder extracts the URL, it includes the ending ], Would it be possible to recognize when a URL is immediately preceded by a start bracket, and if so, exclude the end bracket and comma? Thanks
Hi DataAnalyst! Glad to hear from you. And, thanks for your question.
This is Solveig from WeRelate. Anyway, the programmers are busy with RootsTech this week. We’ll get back to you on this point after RootsTech. Sorry for the delay. Let us know what you think of the site otherwise.
Hi, Solveig. Thanks for your responses. I’m still feeling my way around RootsFinder and have a bit of work to do on my personal file before I do a final GEDCOM upload. And I’m still plugging away at data quality on WeRelate. So I’m not in a big rush for the enhancements. Thanks
This makes sense. I’ll add it to the ToDo list.
This will be fixed late tonight.
It turns out the simple solution we implemented didn’t work as well as we’d hoped. We realized that sometimes ending parentheses should not be part of the URL, but sometimes they should (as with WeRelate URLs). We’re working on a better solution that should be ready by the end of the day Monday.
Thanks for letting me know.
The improved URL extraction is in place now. Please let me know if you see any other issues - thanks.