Hi Dallan
I’m wondering if it really is that big a change. I’ve noticed since you fixed other things about the marriage record (Copying couples from Family Search to Roots Finder doesn't create marriage record correctly) there are now cases where the source doesn’t get created. If one person is already in RootsFinder, and then their married partner is copied from FS to RF the person details are created AND the marriage record is also copied over correctly without source details. It is like the source is there but no values in it. Getting the same result when just copying the marriage record (ie the two partners are already in RF but no marriage record - the marriage is copied from FS) seems easier than you are suggesting. Just have an ‘empty’ source connection as happens when you create the marriage manually or copy the partner from FS. Also it is the same as what happens when you copy from FS to RF as currently and then just delete the entries from the source part of the record.
It’s a minor thing but actually quite irritating.