I saw your Trello card (under Roadmap) for Add Analysis / Proof to Notes / Comments / Transcription label and voted for it. Since I saw it a few days ago It’s been on my mind as why not add the information for claims from the source as we use the Rootsfinder web clipper or at least get it started. The benefit is that your already at the source when you find it. If you try and do it afterwards you may forget (once on task, stay on task) or get frustrated with having to open one or two other applications and record the info. I use Evidentia desktop software which has a mini editor tool that lets you type the claims and then you go through a process to complete classifying and recording the analysis and conclusion summary. I get frustrated with my Evidentia program because it has the ability to pull down FamilySearch source information but not the source itself for me to do my work. I either have to go to my FSFT or one of my other tree programs to pull the source up. I feel that Rootsfinder can streamline the process in much the same way it does by attaching the evidence to multiple people and multiple events. I just reached out to Recordseek to ask a similar question to see if they can (as they do share some info with FamilySearch). Possibly in Rootsfinder it could placed as # 6. Evidence Analysis (after # 5 Profiles). Let me know what you think. Thanks.
If I understand your comment right, the webclipper combined with the Research Log solves your issue. You will want to create a research log before using the clipper as follows: when using the webclipper on a record you’re not ready to attach to anyone in your tree, 1) don’t tag any of the individuals, 2) at the bottom of the WebClipper, there is button for your research logs (you may have many). Select the research log in which you want to store the clipped record. It will be there, extracted when you are ready to attach it to someone(s) in your tree.
Let me know how this works for you.
Good to know. I tried it this morning. Not exactly what I meant but I figured that I can cut and paste a template to the Notes / Comments / Transcription for my correlation and any comments till hopefully fields can be developed for that. That is what I was getting at when I saw the Trello posting. Fields or templates to fill out keep me on track and concise (even though Notes and Comments fields have value they leave too much latitude sometimes). Hope this card moves from Under Consideration list to Coming Soon. Thanks again for the workflow on this I will see about incorporating it into my current one.
Could you share your template? That will help us figure out what new fields to add.
Below is the Template I use when I use Evidentia (it gets me thinking about correlating the other sources) and it helps me not have a brain drain in what to say regarding my analysis. I use 3 points of correlation (if possible) and any contradictory info.
Summary of important points:
- Correlation of other sources - i.e.event year -
- Correlation of i.e. County and State lived -
- Correlation of i.e. Relatives (which?) -
- Contraditions Yes/No If so What?
- Comments:
Hope this helps.
This helps - thanks!
Thanks. I saw that you put it on Trello waiting for votes. I had another thought that I’ve forgot to mention. Everyone works differently when it comes to analysis so the above template may be either intimidating or too simple or just not the way they do it. I wonder if it is possible for someone to just upload their own template into a card to populate with the fields they would normally use. Take for example my template uploads to a card and populates text field headings (Correlation, Contradictions, Comments etc) for me to fill in the text underneath. Of course you may have to limit what and how many fields. It might just be something ground breaking having the ability to tailor the program (a little) to fit the users need on how they work. Just a thought. Thanks again. Enjoy your weekend.
That’s a good idea - we could allow people to upload a rich-text template for ToDo text.