Attach one source to multiple facts

I would like to attach a single source to multiple facts. For example, I have a christening record that I would like to associate both with a birth fact and with a christening fact. I don’t want create the same citation twice. I don’t see how this is done. If this feature is not going to be implemented, it would at least be helpful to have an easy way duplicate citations.

This is something RootsFinder is particularly good at. Create a “Christening” fact, since the primary fact for your record is “Christening”. Then on tab 4, “People”, click on the “+” sign to the left of “Add facts about this person from the record”. Add Birth as the fact type, and enter the date and place of the birth. When you save, Birth and Christening facts will both be added to the person, and the record you just created will be attached to both facts.

You can even add multiple people to the “People” tab (say for a census record) and the record will be attached to everyone.

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Thank you Dallan! Thanks for the time you put into answering people’s questions.

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